How to Pack Your Bathroom For Your Move


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When you’re getting ready to move from one home to another, one of the last rooms you’ll pack is your bathroom. While it may be your smallest room in your house, there are usually lots of little things that need to be sorted and packed.

  1. Toss Out as Much as You Can

Go through everything to see what is still good. Anything that is expired should immediately be tossed. Medicine without a label or with labels that are hard to make out should also be tossed. Keep this waste separate from your other trash, as it will need to go to a hazardous waste facility to be properly disposed of.

Anything that is cheap, easily replaceable, or almost gone is probably better off in the garbage. Items that harbor germs like toilet brushes and rags are also garbage candidates. Think of this process as a way to clean, reorganize, and declutter your new bathroom.

  1. Sort Your Supplies

You should not throw everything in one box and hand it off to your San Diego moving company. Bottles can break and spill, ruining your other belongings. To prevent this, sort everything in your bathroom prior to packing up.

Create piles for:


Shampoos, conditioners, lotions, and soap

Hairstyling products

Appliances and accessories


Towels and other linens

Make sure all lids and containers are tightly closed. Many  Movers San Diego also recommend putting things in plastic bags for added protection.

  1. Pack it All Up

Once you have everything organized and in plastic bags, you’re ready to pack everything up.

Make sure you have one box dedicated to essentials. These are items you’ll want quickly, which means you may want to hold on to them instead of handing them to your San Diego movers.

Once you have your essentials set aside, pack the rest of your boxes. Keep liquids in their own box along with some towels and washcloths in case a spill occurs.

Key Takeaway

Throw out anything old, expired, or easily replaceable Make sure to properly dispose of old medications Sort your supplies with similar items, and secure in plastic bags set aside essentials keep liquids and breakables in a separate box with towels as padding

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